Phyllis Celebrates a Century!

It’s the kind of birthday party that happens once in a hundred years. Yes, Phyllis D. turned 100 years old and celebrates 100 years of family friends and smiles. We’re so glad to have you at Elders Inn to celebrate this once in a lifetime event, to share it with us and good family as

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Lodge Gallery Reception for “Water, Water, Everywhere”

Coming up this Thursday February 22nd at 3:30-4:30PM, The Lodge Gallery invites the ​greater ​community to an Artist Reception for “Water, Water, Everywhere”​, ​a group show by local artists. ​
Alameda is surrounded by water​ and so in tribute to ​​winter, snow, ice, drought, flood, climate change, glass half full, rivers, lakes, puddles, oceans, rain,

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