Wellness Wednesday, the Power of Positivity.

Did you know that staying positive can lower the level of stress in your life? It can also improve your psychological and physical being because it affects your outlook on life. For #wellnesswednesday this week, let’s keep things simple: offer more smiles than frowns, more assistance than criticism, and make more friends than enemies. My

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Dehydration Pro Tips

#wellnessWednesday #seniorhealth #eldercare
It’s been particularly warm in our lovely city of Alameda lately. That means it’s even more important than usual to stay hydrated, but do you know how to recognize the signs of dehydration? Here are a few top common signs you’re dehydrated:
Increased thirst
Dry mouth and skin
Rapid heartbeat
Dizziness and

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Less Covid-19 News, More Focus On Good Things

By Sarah Vance.
Yes, we are in the middle of a health crisis. It is serious and we all should be informed. However, sitting around and worrying constantly is not healthy or fun. So I make sure we take breaks from all the news stories and social media feeds (affectionately known as ‘Doomscrolling‘ by Merriam

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