6th Annual Easter Egg Hunt at The Lodge

This year’s Easter Egg Hunt was our best ever! The weather was perfect and the smell of cotton candy permeated the air and gave a carnival feel to the festivities. There was popcorn, snow cones, beautiful fresh fruit and veggie platters, yummy assorted cookies, drinks, and – of course – cotton candy.

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It’s always Tea Time!

The good news is nobody was late for this very important date as we hosted our 2nd Mad Hatter Tea Party! The tables were festively decorated with colorful tablecloths & zany teapots – the Red Queen even made her presence known by leaving her faithful cards scattered about.

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Leap Day Social at The Lodge

The Leap Day Social was a leaping success! Since we only get to experience this extra day once every four years, we thought it’d be a fabulous idea to spend it enjoying each others company at a specially themed social.

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